
South Ehime Fisheries Research Center (SEFREC) Ehime University is located in southern Ehime Prefecture, on the island of Shikoku in Japan. The Center was established in 2008 in cooperation with Ainan town, where SEFREC is located. The Center promotes research and education that contribute to the local aquaculture and fisheries while being recognized internationally.


The SEFREC is surrounded by the Uwa Sea that is inhabited by various marine plants and animals representing one of the most diverse marine environments within whole Japan. Besides, the Uwa Sea owns optimal condition for marine aquaculture having a warm stable climate, offshore influenced by Kuroshio current, and long, deep inlets protecting farming location from unfavorable conditions. Thus, it is not surprising that marine aquaculture and fisheries represent main industry within the region and have strong ties to the local society. Within this diverse environment, SEFREC acts as a “living organism” with active interactions to local nature, society, and fisheries industry.

SEFREC pamphlet

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